Friday, June 29, 2012

Ready... Set...

Tomorrow is the start of the Tour de France, which means it's also the start of the Tour de Fleece! I didn't participate last year, so this will be my first year spinning along.

  As usual, I couldn't do a photoshoot without a cat trying to be in every picture.

I only have a drop spindle, so I only have one braid of fiber I'm going to be working on. I've never really regularly spun, so I'm not sure if a 4 oz. braid is too easy or ambitious. My only real goal for the Tour is to spin 30 minutes a day.

I picked out this braid of Polwarth from Two if by Hand at this year's DFW Fiber Fest for my mom to get me for my birthday. The colorway is called "Whisper," and is a lovely, subtle blue-gray colorway.

I already prepped it a bit by splitting it in half, as I think I'll be doing a 2-ply for this one. Check back tomorrow to see my start of the Tour!