Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Broadening My Knitting Horizons.

First, check out what I'm blocking today!


Yay!The Make Up Your Mind tank is done! Tomorrow I'll post some proper pictures and give my thoughts on it.

The past couple of weeks have been kind of frustrating. I've been busy, I'm trying to plan my wedding, Jose has been busier than normal, and I've just felt stressed in general. On Monday, Jose called me out on being overly stressed for no reason and told me I needed to do something to relax. I listened to him and took most of Monday to just chill out. I spent a lot of time spinning some yarn and knitting.

My knitting group meets on Mondays at my favorite local coffee shop Art Six, so I got there an hour early, spent some time to myself knitting and drinking some iced green tea (which apparently I hate. I love hot green tea though...).

Taking time to focus on nothing but my knitting really made me feel better. I got things accomplished, which made me feel good about myself.

On another note, yesterday I was thinking about how long I've been knitting and how much knowledge I have about it, but yet there are still techniques out there I've never tried. For example, I've never knitted socks toe-up, but only top-down. Now, because I do consider myself quite knowledgeable about knitting, new techniques don't scare me. I just haven't gotten around to some things.

I decided that I would knit some toe-up socks using the Madeline Tosh sock yarn I got at Fiber Fest this year. I settled on Absinthe from the Spring 2009 Knitty. 

Check out how much I got done last night!

Okay, so it's not much. I've done a bit more since then though. So far, I'm loving toe-up socks! It reminds me of how magical it felt the first time I did a top-down sweater.

I must have these done by the time it gets cold! Since I'm in Texas, I have until... December. I think I can handle that.