1. Java Socks for Dad
I've finished the gusset decreases on the second sock. I want these done this weekend.
2. Hitchhiker Shawl
I haven't posted a picture of this before, but this is some mostly-mindless knitting when I can't look at the Java socks anymore.
3. Tempest Cardigan
I haven't really worked on this...
4. Jose's Sweater
I really haven't worked on this.
5. Mom's Shawl
I haven't posted photos of this yet because I don't know if Mom wants it to be a surprise or not, since she already picked out the yarn for it. Regardless, it's going pretty slowly, because each row takes me over half an hour. I'm only on row 11, but after I finish the lace border, I think the rest will go a lot faster. It's going to be really pretty.