Monday, February 13, 2012

My New Office!

As you probably know, I recently moved in to an apartment with Jose, and we got a two-bedroom so I could have my own office/studio space. I have a couple of people who wanted to see what my new space looks like, and even though it's not really "done," I figured I'd go ahead and show where I've been making the magic happen for the past few weeks.

This is what the office looked like right after we moved in before I started setting it up:

Game: Find the cat in this photo.


It still needs to be a bit more colorful, and I need lots more on the walls, but it's functioning like I need it to. Ideally, I'd have a studio with tile floor, but since I don't, the big tarp prevents any sad carpet stains. In case you didn't see it on Twitter when I posted it, here's what Augustus has decided is the best thing ever to do on the tarp:

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